An Education In Education: From School to Fool

This part in the "Earth Science and Education" series will explore education
which is a big part of what this series is all about.

Whether from within the family unit,
the education system,
our experiences in the school of hard knocks,
our education,
the lack thereof,
plays the most important role in
shaping our understanding of the world around us.

This post explores the history of education in the U.S.
the influences and effects it continues to have
within the system and ourselves today.

You may be surprised to learn
The Secret History Of Western Education - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Uncovering the Deceptively Hidden Truth

Deliberate Dumbing Down
Back To Basics Reform Or...
OBE *Skinnerian International Curriculum?
(Outcome-Based Education) (1985)
(2004 reproduction for public distribution)
Soviets In The Classroom:
America's Latest Education Fad (1989)
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Carnegie Endowment For International Peace
Mr. Carnegie's Letter To The Trustees
Dated: December 14, 1910
100 Years of Impact

Educating Americans For The 21st Century
The Business of American Business Is Education

A Message from the Secretary (of Education)
Lamar Alexander
On April 18, 1991, President Bush released
AMERICA 2000: An Education Strategy

U.S. Department of Education
Signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015

Related Documents
Every Student Succeeds Act
Cornell University Law School
Legal Information Institute
20 U.S. Code § 6301 - Statement of purpose

Partnership For 21st Century Learning
A Parent's Guide

Federal Flash: Dec. 3: 
Key Differences Between Every Student Succeeds Act and NCLB
(No Child Left Behind)

You may also like to checkout or purchase:
An Ecological Approach to Perceptual Learning and Development
Eleanor J. Gibson and Anne D. Pick
these additional
Free PDF Resources:
Gibson's Theory of Perceptual Learning
Karen E. Adolph and Kari S. Krecth
Eleanor J. Gibson: Learning to Perceive and Perceiving to Learn
Herbert L. Pick, Jr

Harry Ransom Center
The University of Texas at Austin
Mike Wallace Interview with Aldous Huxley May 18, 1958 (video)

The Teaching Brain
Antonio M. Battro

Ceibal of Uruguay

The Great Dumbing Down of Humanity and the Depopulation Agenda...

Alan Watt - A Globalist Agenda For a Dumbed Down Domesticated Society -
A Prison Plan

Between Two Ages
Zbigniew Brzezinski

Alan Watt
Jan 16, 2009 podcast
Planned Institution of Social Evolution

Dialectic of Enlightenment
Philosophical Fragments
Max horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno

For more from
Alan Watt
Cutting Through The Matrix- Audio Library
catch his radio show Saturday's at 6PM ET on UCY.TV

An Example In Miseducation For The Purpose Of Misdirection
Time and Space:
Einstein Psyence, The Gravity Myth, and Our Electromagnetic Reality (2016)

The truth is:
There are those who have went to great lengths to maintain the illusion.

And Here Is Another Truth:
As long as you already believe you know what the truth is
you are under the illusion there is nothing else to know
less likely to explore other ideas
anything outside of the confines of your belief
if by chance you have any questions
the answers you will seek for your truth
will be based solely on the illusion you rely upon to be true in the first place
so only that which reflects your understanding will suffice as an answer to you-
expanding on your illusion.

Once you have reviewed the information
you should begin to see the importance of these connections
the effects they can have on our understanding of many things
including that which goes far beyond the classroom.

Why going back through the history of education is an education in itself.

Why reviewing everything you think you know
could turn out to be the best thing you ever did for yourself
because one day
all you know
may be all you have left to serve you.

Also in this series:
Only The Tip Of The Iceberg
Hydroplate Theory- Or Is It?
Taking A Look At Hydroplate and Plate Tectonic Theories
Aligned Passages Of The Pyramids
Painting An Oil Portrait-I
Painting An Oil Portrait- II
How Radiometric Dating Works- Or Does It?
Tom Foolery: A Good Fake or A Real Controversy: I
Tom Foolery: A Good Fake or A Real Controversy: II

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1 comment:

  1. If you want to see the missing video you can find it here but it is scarce. I suggest downloading a copy if you wish to preserve it or attempt to republish it on another platform.
