You Can 'Virtually' Become Most Anyone In Real Time

Using recently developed technology 
you can virtually tap into video 
make someone in it appear to mimic your own facial expressions 
lip movements- 
in real time.

An Education In Education: From School to Fool

This part in the "Earth Science and Education" series will explore education
which is a big part of what this series is all about.

SCAM Victims


They are a
we are their victims.


Are you a moron?

Studies suggest there is little chance you'd know it if you were.

The Only Way

The only way you will truly leave here with insight is to have been looking for it in the first place.

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Your Gift

Fukushima 5 Years Later

It's 5 years later and these are the kinds of headlines we read:

Market Watch
Nuclear power market still suffers from Japan’s Fukushima disaster


You know what?


A Message From A 15 Year Old Boy Who Experienced Death

On September 28, 2015, a 15 year old boy died for 11 minutes.  
This is his testimony regarding what he came to understand during his experience.

Cats Can Make A Zombie Out Of You

It isn't exactly the cat that can turn you into a zombie, but a parasite they carry called Toxoplasma gondii can.

Biocomputers: They're H-e-e-r-e!

Technology is moving forward exponentially.

Just as it sounds, biocomputers, or biological computing, combine living elements with electronic ones, creating a neural pathway once reserved for only living organisms void of electronics.

Our computers are about to become living machines.

Are you ready?

Food For Thought- Feeding Your Brain Electric Signals For Intellectual Growth

What do you think?

Is this safe 'sound' science?

More Hoke Us - Poke Us? GM Cancer Trial Cures 94% of Patients