Cats Can Make A Zombie Out Of You

It isn't exactly the cat that can turn you into a zombie, but a parasite they carry called Toxoplasma gondii can.

The protozoan Toxoplasma gondii can infect most animals and birds
it is only able to reproduce in felines.

In humans, the parasite can affect almost any part of the body, forming cysts
they are most frequently found in the brain and muscles, including the heart.

Most of us build immunities against the parasite and are never bothered by them despite harboring them, leaving them in an inactive state 
once an immune system becomes weakened
in the case of certain medications 
the infection can reactivate leading to serious complications.

Methods of human infection include:
Contact with cat feces
Consuming contaminated food or water, including unwashed fruits and vegetables
Contact with contaminated utensils and/or cutting boards
Infected organ transplants and/or blood transfusions

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