Only The Tip Of The Iceberg

Earth Science and Education Series 

While there are claims that our earth is warming 
the actual truth is- 
the poles are shifting 
the sun is sleeping.  

In truth- 
we are headed for the next ice age 
the historic results of this natural cycle are not good 
having lead to the death of millions due to famine.

To understand the actual reality of what is happening 
will take some research 
it is well worth the time.

For those interested 
this series begins some of that research for you 
providing information for your consideration 
an invitation to further your exploration 
into additional theories and ideas that 
may or may not have been presented under any topic included in this series.

When a particular theory has not been presented
relative to the topic at hand
feel free to use the comment section to submit any supported information you may wish to contribute 
so that we may all consider other known possibilities found to have merit.

In most cases 
the posts in this series will present information for more than one theory on a given topic 
so that you might weigh each of them fairly before reaching any conclusions.

The Challenge
This challenge may be a tough one 
as it asks you to cast away preconceived notions long enough to consider all sides.  

How much of what we are sure we know to be a fact today 
actually is?

Here's your chance to take a second look to see how your education stacks up. 

Depending on where you stand 
you might be surprised to find 
how what you think today 
may change by the time you finish this series.

Timeline Challenge 
I invite any who wish to participate in this challenge 
to take notes 
to keep a record of any revisions you may find yourself making along the way. 

Erase nothing from your notes. 

Each time before you begin reviewing any of the posted information 
jot down some notes on what you believe to be true regarding what topic is at hand 
review the provided information 
taking notes as to what you feel are the key points 
irregardless of your stance on the matter.

At first you may not think taking notes necessary 
you will likely find yourself referring back to them on numerous occasions throughout this series 
at least wishing you would have taken them and the challenge a little more seriously from the start 
as this will be a serious investment in your time should you review all of the provided information 
potentially seek to further your knowledge.

As you go through all of the information presented in each post in this series 
keepiing a record of any changes of thought you may make along the way 
will serve to illustrate not only where you made changes 
but how many times  
noting what information you found that influenced those changes.

Review your notes on each topic 
and decide what information you agree with 
what you do not
create 2 timelines:  
One to enter the information you agree with 
the other for the information you do not. 

make a note of when and where you came about the information which lead to your conclusions 
of what you believe to be the truth.

Was it information you learned in school or after school?

To begin this series 
this post will start by reviewing 
solar and earth cycles 
how and why they matter.

While some parts of our earth are undergoing what seems like global warming
due to multiple contributing factors
it isn't hard to see how the pole shift would also help to contribute to this illusion.

You will find that taking a deeper look into these cycles paints an entirely different story-
one most are blinded to by the 6 o'clock news
claims of global warming
but this simply is NOT the case.

Our universe is electric and not as old as they would have us believe but it has been around long enough for us to draw a clear picture from the naturally occurring cycles the universe experiences.

The Sun Is Going To Sleep

The #1 Risk To Earth 
Subscribe to Suspicious0bservers youtube channel for daily space weather updates or visit

Take the time to seek the facts and you will find them.... or you can just believe the 6 o'clock news.  The choice is very simply- yours.

The date in the title of this next video is a little misleading as the ice age is likely to be fully upon us by 2035, but what's a few years when people aren't seeing it anyway?  Answer: A few years less to figure it out.

Ice Age 2050s: Certainty
If you found this interesting and informative, be sure to check out other videos by Rolf Witzsche.

Re- 'new' your mind's eye.  Unlock the myth in mythology and re- 'view' the scriptures. Not the ones passed around the campfire, but the original written word.  Look into original pictographs, ancient text, and petroglyphs.  It may be time to take a second look and rethink everything you thought you knew.  What were they really trying to tell us?

With the correct understanding all the pieces begin to fall into place.

Thunderbolts Of The Gods
For more on our electric universe, visit The Thunderbolts Project.

NEWLY ADDED (April 2016)
US Land Weather Stations Show Mini Ice Age has Begun | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035

And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Additional perspective
such as other contributing factors leading to the illusion of  global warming
can be found throughout this series and other posts found on this site
such as the ones suggested below.

Also In This Series:
Taking A Look At Hydroplate and Plate Tectonic Theories

You will also find more information on additional influences to consider regarding this topic 
in the posts below:

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