Painting An Oil Portrait-II

Earth Science and Education Series

Below you will find an array of videos and articles supporting 2 different ideas on the source of oil and whether or not it is a renewable resource.  Conventional thinking suggests it is not, but is that the actual truth?  See what you think.

The first few videos will examine the conventional idea of fossil fuels, sometimes referred to as mineral fuels or biotic, so you can refresh your memory and take a few notes to help you decide which timeline you will add it to.

Fossil Fuels 101

Formation of Fossil Fuels

Crude Origins of Oil

Fossil Fuel Formation Complete

For additional information on Fossil Fuels:


Some believe fossil fuels are a myth, believing that the origins of oil were falsely defined in 1892 and that the Nazi's or the Soviet Union were the ones to actually discover its true origin but they actually 're-discovered' it.   Considered "the father of mineralogy,"  Georgius Agricola was the first person known to have proposed the idea of abiotic oil in the 16th century. 

Which one is true affects many outcomes.

What do you believe to be the truth?

The Dirty Truth About Oil

For a further look at both perspectives
for their article:
Abiotic Oil Formation


The Fischer-Tropsch Process
Abiogenic Petroleum Origin

View Zone (mobile) (desktop)
Abiotic Oil

U.S. News
Abiotic Oil A Theory Worth Exploring

Principia Scientific International
Russians and NASA Discredit 'Fossil Fuel' Theory: Demise of Junk CO2 Science

The Environmental Literacy Council
Abiotic Theory

Decoded Science
The Origin of Crude Oil or Petroleum: Biotic or Abiotic?

Abiotic Oil- Science or Politics?

Which of the two seems most feasible to you after examining the information?

Do you agree with either idea or is there yet another you are aware of that seems to be the answer?

If so, feel free to share it and I'll add it to this post for others so that they can also examine the idea.

If you are following along and doing the timeline project, add your conclusion into your timeline and come back for the next installment in this series to see if the next piece fits the way you thought it would.

How might your decision on the origin of oil affect your timeline so far?

Have these things actually occurred over millions or billions of years or is it possible that the history of our universe is a much shorter one?

Which came first, oil or life?

Would how it is derived affect the size of our planet in any way over time or have any affect on where oil deposits are located in relationship to how our continents formed?

How about your views on whether or not there has ever been a worldwide flood or not, and if so, how might anyone or anything have survived it and where would it fit into your timeline today?

Depending on your position on our origin, how and when did mankind arrive on the scene in your version of understanding?

How many years passed between the existence of the dinosaurs (if you believe they existed) and the beginning of man and who was the first person on earth and how did reproduction begin?  Did man ever walk with the dinosaurs?  If so, how might that have affected man's role on earth during that period?  Was he prey or predator or both and what might that first experience have been like?  How did man know what to eat and what not to and how did man survive the many dangers of plants and animals prior to reproduction capabilities, such as only one sex in initial existence?

What was the first thing on earth to eat and how did it know it needed to eat to feed itself and what to feed itself and how did the food come into existence and how long did that food exist before the first thing came along to eat it?

How many of only one sex might have existed among any given species before both sexes existed in order that they might reproduce?  How, when and why did living things start developing natural methods for feeding their offspring, such as producing milk?  How did the first living human survive or sustain itself without it?  At what age was the first human or life forms introduced into earth's environment in order that they might have had the ability or intelligence to get around and to nourish themselves?

What plant might have come first and how would it have first had to reproduce to proliferate the earth and how did multitudes of varieties of trees, plants, bushes, shrubs, grasses, and weeds come into existence after it?

If oil is biotic, why are some of the richest reserves in desert land and how might that affect earth's changes over time (past, present and future) and how does this affect your timeline?

If CO2 was higher before man came along, how did the planet manage without us to create the conditions necessary for our ability to exist, survive, and thrive?  How did anything manage themselves without us here to 'correct' the atmosphere and is 'correction' really necessary today?

When did we begin recording an accurate history and how accurate is our understanding of that history and how accurate are the dates and why do we accept them as such?  Because somebody with a degree or the title of Dr., scientist, historian, or archeologist told us they are right?  Could they be wrong or even covering up previous mistakes due to the impact some of them could have on the totality of our true history?

What other challenging questions might you ask in the scope of things or does your timeline show you have all of the answers you need fitting well so far?

There are so many things to consider.  Each time you find yourself making an assumption consider whether that assumption has ever been challenged by alternate possibilities so that you can keep a fair and balanced perspective between what you believe to be the truth and all that you do not.

If you are following along with the timeline project:
Keeping a written perspective of your timeline will help to keep your ideas organized and help you to see when things aren't quite fitting and how you might need to adjust some thinking to keep your ideas flowing.

Once you have today's data written out in your timeline, create a second one for the ideas you have been casting aside to see how they might fit together on their own timeline, even if everything on the second one is a collection of things you believe to be totally wrong as is likely the case.  It will come in handy at the end of this series and give you a quick reference guide to turn to in the meantime if you should happen to need it.

Be sure to write down each of these two timelines with a brief summary of the information, such as what the matter pertains to and what the convincing pro or con factor was from your point of view, and make a note as to where you learned the information.

He who controls the energy controls the world.
He who controls the money controls everything.
He who controls the media controls public perception.

Related Posts:
Painting An Oil Portrait- I
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Tom Foolery: A Good Fake or A Real Controversy? II

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