Earth Science and Education Series
This is another in a series examining alternate possibilities regarding various matters by comparing different theories you may not be familiar with against those that are more commonly known, allowing you an opportunity to examine them side by side so that you might better decide which seems the most plausible, possibly challenging your currently held ideas from time to time.
The challenge, if you should choose to take it, is to see how your education stacks up by plotting out a timeline of your choices from the various theories as you go along to see how your various pieces fit within it and note where you might find yourself making any adjustments to your thinking along the way and where you came about the information. In school or after school? How will your education stack up?
These days, getting an education is coming with a rather large price tag beyond the dollar. One of the questions we might hope to answer in all this is whether the price is worth it.
'Painting An Oil Portrait' will take a step by step approach and begin by examining some questions about the origin of oil.
Step 1
The first step in painting a picture in oil is to have an idea in mind and to consider the composition.
Have you ever really taken the time to think about oil and how it is derived?
Once you have a basic idea in mind it is time to move on to step 2.
Step 2
Priming The Canvas
Now, consider your views on that.
Are the answers you have in mind what you truly believe to be the case?
How did you come to those conclusions?
Was it because it was something you were taught in school or from something you learned elsewhere?
Have you ever really given much thought as to just how far they are drilling down to get to it?
How about the animals and vegetation?
What volume of animals and vegetation do you think would be needed to have kept us supplied in oil all this time and how did it all get so deep down in there? Right now, at this point in our history, we are told we have used up about half of our planet's oil, so double the volume of your previous calculation.
Does that really make sense to you?
Is that giving you any pause for thought?
When you think about it, I mean really think about it, does what you've been taught to believe really make sense to you?
You'll have time to think about that until the next issue in this series where you'll have an opportunity to compare the standard belief against a lesser known alternative idea you may or may not be familiar with, and dive a little deeper into the question on education.
How well is your education serving you so far?
So far, so good?
Up Next:
Tom Foolery: A Good Fake or A Real Controversy? I
Tom Foolery: A Good Fake or A Real Controversy? II
Tom Foolery: A Good Fake or A Real Controversy? II
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