- WHITE HOUSE: EXECUTIVE ORDER: -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats
- Bodner Research Web: The Chemistry of Oxygen and Sulfur ++
- 2045 Strategic Social Initiative
- A
- AgFunder News: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Makes First Agtech Investment in AgBiome's $34.5m Series B
- Aircrap: Action Alert High Priority - New Fed Reg Proposal To Forcibly Vaccinate Entire Cities
- Aircrap: CA SB 277 Lawsuit - Mandatory Vacciners- Case Dismissed!
- alphr: DARPA is investigating self-mutating vaccines to take down viruses
- Augment In Force
- Augment In Force: File Library
- Avacta®: Why Affimer® Technology?
- B
- Bodner Research Web: The Chemistry of Oxygen and Sulfur ++
- BOUGHT: The Movie (plus articles on GMOs, Vaccines, and other relevant topics)
- Bloomberg: Meet Baby X, an Example of New Zealand's Cutting-Edge CGI
- Bloomberg Technology: Gene-Editing Drugmaker Backed by Google, Gates Files for IPO
- Bob Beck (The Beck Protocol)
- C
- CBS News: Second of controversial bird flu studies published after terrorism debate
- CDC: Reconstruction of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Virus
- CE: Researchers Demonstrate How Cancer Cells Are Obliterated by Resonate Frequencies
- Campaign To Stop Killer Robots
- D
- Daily Mail (2007): Run away the ray-gun is coming: We test US army's new secret weapon
- de zeen Magazine: Naomi Kihzner's jewellery collection harvests energy from the human body
- DivSeek
- Dr. Mary's Monkey
- Dr. Stephanie Seneff
- E
- Ecology and Society: Research: Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity
- EcoWatch: Glyphosate Found in Urine of 93 Percent of Americans Tested
- Edge: The Augmented Human Being
- Experimental Vaccines
- Express: Scientist who injected himself with 3.5 MILLION year old germs says they give ETERNAL LIFE
- F
- Farm Match with Food and Map Filter to find growers that match your food criteria
- FDA: Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed Tripedia
- FierceBiotech: Amgen strikes $674M cardiovascular RNAi pact with Arrowhead
- FierceBiotech: Genentech, South Korean pharma in up to $910M+ RAF inhibitor deal
- FS GATE: Controversial DNA startup wants to let customers create creatures
- FUSION: Scientists develop a self-destruct button for DNA (2015)
- G
- ***Galvani Bioelectronics
- Genetic Literacy Project: Mutagenesis: One way Europeans wish it was 1936 again
- Genetic Literacy Project: Next generation GMO corn being developed to battle growing rootworm resistance
- Gizmodo: Monsanto Just Got Access to the World's Most Powerful Gene-Editing Tool
- GlobalResearch: Centre for Research on Globalization
- GlobalResearch: The Complete History of Monsanto, "The World's Most Evil Corporation"
- GlobalResearch: Uncovering the Cover-Up: Scientific Analysis of the Vaccine- Autism Connection, Deeply Flawed US Vaccine Policies
- GotMag
- GPO: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations: Title 7, Subtitle B, Chapter 1, Subchapter M, Part 205
- GPO: Part 205: National Organic Program
- GreaterGood
- H
- Half Past Human: A website helping you get the most from your future today... using the art and science of predictive linguistics
- Heal Yourself At Home
- Health Nut News
- Healthy Life and Fitness: Bottled Water Found To Contain Over 24,000 Chemicals, Including Endocrine Disruptors
- Hell No GMO
- I
- IEEE SPECTRUM: DNA Scaffold Self-Assembles Into Single-Electron Device
- IFPS: International Federation for Product Standards
- IFPS: PLU Code New
- INDEPENDENT: Science or science fiction? How an Italian doctor hopes to perform first human head transplant
- Independz: Diseases Associated with Nanoparticle Exposure
- Inverse: Gene Therapy Makes BioViva CEO Elizabeth Parrish Younger, Blunter, and Resolute- We talked to the woman who claims to have reversed the aging process
- J
- John Hopkins University: Light Tames Lethal Heart Disorders in Mice and Virtual Humans
- Jon Rappoport's Blog: The film Vaxxed could be outlawed in California, if this bill passes
- K
- Karl Grossman
- L
- Learn The Risk
- Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup: Waves>Radiation Around The Nation
- Leuren Moret: How DNA Data Storage Works, Scientists Create First DNA 'RAM'
- Live To 110: Glyphosate Herbicide And How To Detox It With Dr. Stephanie Seneff
- Local Harvest: Real Food, Real Farmers, Real Community
- M
- Malaysia Sun: Anti-GMO Voices Suddenly Grow in Iran
- MedicineNet: Definition of Deficiency, ceruloplasmin
- Mercola: 15 Reasons to Keep Coconut Oil in Your Bathroom
- Mercola: Researcher Reveals Monsanto Has Known Since 1981 That Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
- MIPT: Cold plasma will heal non-healing wounds
- MIT Technology Review: How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA
- MIT Technology Review: Robotics: Inside Vicarious, the Secretive AI Startup Bringing Imagination to Computers
- Map Of Global Incidents
- Mercola
- N
- NCBI: Genetic engineering and biological weapons
- NIH: PMI: Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program
- NanoMarkAssimulation
- Natural Blaze: The Miracle Of Tea Tree Oil: 80 Amazing Uses For Survival
- Natural Blaze: Vaccine Maker Admits on FDA Website That DTaP Vaccine Causes Autism
- Natural News: Orthorexia Nervosa - New mental disorder aimed at people who insist on eating a clean diet
- NaturalNews: Scientists claim they can now make babies without female eggs
- Nature
- News Medical: Modified protein appears to reverse liver fibrosis, cirrhosis in rats
- New York Times: Protection Without a Vaccine
- New York Times: Bird Flu Paper Is Published After Debate
- New York Times: Scientists Announce Births of Cows Cloned In New Way (1998)
- New York Times: Scientists Talk Privately About Creating a Synthetic Human Genome
- npr: As a GMO Pillar Wobbles, Biotech Companies Promise New Insect-Killing Genes
- O
- Oil Seed Crops - Food and Energy
- -Efficient & Renewable Energy Production Research
- Organic authority
- Organic authority: Longest Study of GMO Crops Ever Yields Surprising Results
- Organic authority: Mass Exodus Expected from Leading Organic Trade Group Over Controversial GMO Legislation
- Organic authority: Think Your Organic Food is GMO-Free? Don't Be So Sure
- Owners-Guide: Discover the Dynamic Design of the Human Body with Dr. john Bergman
- P
- Payvand: Opposition against Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) gains momentum in Iran
- PHYS ORG: A programming language for living cells
- Patients For Medical Cannabis
- Periodic Table
- Personal Liberty: Researchers find no evidence that fluoride in drinking water reduces cavities
- Phys Org: Nanomotors are controlled, for the first time, inside living cells (w. video)(2014)
- PigMine News: Monsanto In Talks With Bayer For Alternative Strategic Options
- Polyface "the farm of many faces"
- Prickly Research
- Prickly Research: digital gene banking
- Q
- Quanta Magazine: A New Physics Theory of Life
- R
- RBN: Chloramine Causing Collateral Health Damage
- ResearchGate: Integrated evaluation of aerosols during haze-fog episodes at one regional background site in North China Plain
- reason- Free Minds and Free Markets: The DEA Thinks All Kratom Use Is Abuse (to be illegal in USA)
- Reliance 21: Human Systems COI pdf
- Renew Everyday: Reversing your liver damage
- S
- SFGate: Clover to be first major dairy to sell non-GMO conventional milk
- SOTT: New property of light discovered
- SOTT: New state of water: Strange 6-sided molecule found
- SV40 Cancer Foundation
- Science
- Science Alert
- ScienceAlert: A Federal Panel just gave the green light to use gene editing on humans
- ScienceAlert: IBM says it's designed a molecule that could fight off any human virus
- ScienceAlert: Scientists have a crazy plan to sequence Leonardo da Vinci's genome
- ScienceAlert: This crazy new virus just broke the rules of infection
- Scientific American: Beyond CRISPR: A Guide to the Many Ways to Edit a Genome
- Seattle Organic Restaurants
- Seattle Organic Restaurants: Research shows that Chinese herb 'Sweet Wormwood' and Iron can kill 98% of cancer cells within 16 hours and how pharmaceutical drugs are nutritionally ruined and patented for the sake of corporate profit
- Stephanie Seneff: Extra Piece Sticks Out at Active Site: Glyphosate as Glycine Analogue: Explaining Zika and Microcephaly- U.S. Congressional Hearing June 14, 2016
- Stephanie Seneff: Zika, Glyphosate, Vaccines, Folic Acid, Neural Tube Defects and Autism
- T
- Tampa Bay: Farm to Fable- At Tampa Bay farm-to-table restaurants, you're being fed fiction
- Terasem Movement Inc.
- The Atlantic: CRISPR Could Usher In a New Era of Delicious GMO Foods
- The Darwin Project
- The Friendship Circle via Wayback Machine: 13 chromosomal disorders you may not have heard of
- The JAMA Network: Historical Analysis Examines Sugar Industry Role in Heart Disease Research
- The Road Less Traveled: Control of Communicable Diseases A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department on 08/15/2016
- The Telegraph: Bright flash of light marks incredible moment life begins when sperm meets egg
- The Telegraph: Dead could be brought 'back to life' in groundbreaking project
- The Thinking Mom's Revolution: The Thompson Transcripts: Shocking Revelations by the CDC Whistleblower
- The Verge: New kind of virus makes scientists rethink infection
- The Weston A Price Foundation
- The Weston A. Price Foundation: Roundup: The "Nontoxic" Chemical that May Be Destroying Our Health
- The White House: Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- The White House: The Administration's Report on the Future of Artificial Intelligence
- The Yucatan Times: Monsanto Loses GMO Permit in Mexico
- TruthVax
- TWITTER: Edward Hamond @pricklyresearch
- U
- USA Today: 'Three parent' baby born using new technique
- UTC: ColdFusion
- UTC: HerbsPlusBeadworks
- UTC: John Bergman (health tips and home remedies)
- UTC: Live To 110
- UTC: The Health Ranger
- UTC: iHealth Tube
- UTC: nutzforart
- V
- Vaccines.News
- VIDEO: Cancer cells destroyed by First Immune GcMAF
- VIDEO: Ciel Voilé: Chemtrails the secret war
- VIDEO: Declassified U.S. Navy Film - Naval Concepts of Biological Chemical Warfare
- VIDEO: Dr. Thierry Vrain Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Up Against Glyphosate
- VIDEO: Gasser's Pit Stop upgrade (natural cancer treatment: 100% pure and natural (non-GMO) dark amber maple syrup and baking soda)
- VIDEO: G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
- VIDEO: GcMAF: The Amazing Answer For Your Health
- VIDEO: Genentec: A Turning Point for Cancer Vaccines
- VIDEO: Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9 McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT
- VIDEO: Growing Earth by Meyl
- VIDEO: Growing Earth by Meyl part 2
- VIDEO: HerrbsPlusBeadWorks: Let's Talk About Glyphosates
- VIDEO: Home Remedies
- VIDEO: Info Wars: Genetic Armageddon Humanity's Greatest Threat (2011)
- VIDEO: Live to 110 Podcast #162 Rethinking Iron Supplementation with Morley Robbins
- VIDEO: Live to 110 Podcast #166 Glyphosate and How to Detox It with Dr. Stephanie Seneff
- VIDEO: New Sex Bot Goes On Sale
- VIDEO: Richard Seed's Plan
- VIDEO: SGT Report: Bruce Jenner, Transhumanism & The Disappearing Male - Sofia Smallstorm
- VIDEO: Singularity is Near! Michio Kaku | Ray Kurswell
- VIDEO: Stanford Seminar - The Origin of Life and the Search for a Second Genesis of Life on Other Worlds
- VIDEO: Stephanie Seneff, PhD on Glyphosate (RoundUp) Poisoning
- VIDEO: TIM: Big Pharma Manipulates Physicians and Corrupts "Best Practices"
- VIDEO: The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDxGuelphU
- VIDEO: Vaccination -Australian Documentary
- viewzone
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