Artificially Induced Cloud Cover

Depending on a person's age, you may not remember a day without aircraft leaving lingering trails behind them that spread out and cover the sky, but did you know they could be responsible for storms, droughts and fires?  This should be of particular interest to people who have lost a home or loved one(s) to one of the multiple fires or storms, and it doesn't stop there.  In fact, there is so much to learn on the subject that you have to slow down and start somewhere.

What goes up, must come down.  This presents a serious problem that affects everything on a global scale as these emissions from aircraft combine with the atmosphere.

So that is what this post is all about.  A brief introduction into the science behind what is happening in the sky and how and why it matters to everyone and everything on the planet.  When you learn a little bit about the science behind what is happening and begin to understand how serious the consequences really are, please spread the knowledge so that we can take an informed stand on the issue and come together to put a stop to this aerial assault.

Let's start with a look at historical fires.  Read through the chronological portion and note the changes and causes as you read along and when these began, and you should begin to see an increase emerge that is 'strikingly' interesting when coupled with the knowledge you will gain later on as to how the science is working over our heads in our atmosphere that consequently affects everything on a global scale.  That is to say, our air, our water, our soil, our plants, our animals, both domestic and wild, and our food chain.  Even our bug populations.  There is no place or no thing or no one who is not affected.

Click here to read the chronological section for wiki's list on historical fires and make a mental note of it, or, if you prefer, bookmark it or come back to it later for reference.

Now let's look at the number of patents on the subject of ways to use aircraft and the atmosphere together which helps to establish the association of a never dying interest in these types of pursuits.

Click here for an extensive yet incomplete list of clickable US patents (only) which number over 150, beginning in the late 1800's.

It should come as no surprise that the US is not the only country interested in the science, but also other countries who themselves hold numerous patents on the matter.

If you reviewed any of the patents already, you may have begun to understand how some of this stuff works and why all the interest, so now let's take a look at a video that explains some of this.  You may want to listen to it a few times just to be sure you understand the implications clearly.  It is important to understand that any atmospheric condition can be 'created'.

Let's watch part of a conference that took place in August (2015).  While it took place in California, it isn't a California problem.  Make no mistake about it, the issues are a global one to which no thing is immune.

Here is former Defense Industry Technician, Mark McCandlish, speaking a bit about some of the science behind what happens and why.

Next is a video I made from photos I took of the sky where I live over a period of 3 months, from May 18 through August 17, 2015, leading up to a massive breakout of fires.  The last photo (the one seen below) shows a map of 200 fires which broke out in just a 24 hour period, on August 18 an 19.

But the effects don't stop there, of course.  What about our plants and insects?  In this video, a former US Forest Service scientist briefly touches on the subject.

How does this affect our climate and crops and even us?  Here is a former USDA Official discussing the issues.

There is a lot of info out there on the topic and much of it is designed to shut people down from looking into the science behind what is happening and sounds a bit like science fiction until you find it isn't fiction at all, but indeed, it IS science fact.  What makes this topic so important is it's widespread distribution by both man and nature.  We are supersaturating the atmosphere and our environment.

What has been found in test samples?

Aluminum Oxide
Barium (Salts, Titanates)
Coal Fly Ash
Arsenic (extremely high levels)
Bacilli and Molds
Carbon Black
Copper Oxide
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells - A
 (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass (Chaff)
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Fluorescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcescens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles containing live biological matter
Unidentified Bacteria
Viruses including Swine Flu
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins
Zinc (Omadine, Oxide)
and more...

Geoengineering Watch
Agriculture Defense Coalition
Global Skywatch
for more information

Let us also consider the water cycle and how these interactions work together to continuously distribute a toxic soup.  Fukushima has contributed significant damages and it is speculated that the earthquake was no accident.  The saddest part is that whether it was or wasn't, it is a legitimate concern.  Mankind has the know-how and technology to back it up.

Now, let's look into coal fly ash.  It is a toxic waste by-product that comes from the burning of coal.  With an abundance of the stuff, scientists got to work on ways to make use of it and came up with several uses including as an additive to cement mix and jet fuels.  The dry ash is also blown about as it is loaded onto trucks and moved from one location to another.  The product is also stored in wet slurry ponds which become part of the water cycle.  The winds and water cycle carry these nanoparticles and redistribute them with serious consequences, as you will find.

We are trying to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, but it is a necessary component to the respiration of plants and trees who in turn provide us with oxygen.  We end up depleting ourselves and the plants of needed nutrients from the sun.  We create droughts resulting in the loss of millions of acres of forest land to fires and disease, reducing the number of trees and plants serving to supply our oxygen in addition to the other means of deforestation caused by mankind.

Hopefully, if you are new to the subject, you will have found some valuable insight into just how important this particular matter is to all of us and share.  One thing affects another, and so on, and so on, and...

*Added May 30, 2016*

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