While my case for cataclysmic future events may be a just one
I also don't want to leave the wrong impression with those who may be new to the information.
I wasn't saying I think the world is ending in 2017
or even that 90% of the people will die then or anything remotely close to that.
If that is what you thought I said
then you are not paying attention.
If that is what you thought I said
then you are not paying attention.
When I say
Truth is where you find it
I mean that sometimes
if not most of the time
one has to discern the truth from that which is not
so not every point made in every resource I share is likely to be valid
leaving it up to each of us to determine what is valid from that which is not.
Whether or not another planet or sun will come along isn't even the point
although some of us might be able to agree
that the evidence of this (or these) event(s) occurring
at some point
does seem to exist
at some point
does seem to exist
-not just in biblical terms-
but also scientifically.
What I do think is:
specific references are made because they are significant
pointing to a time we are to take note of
to prepare for upcoming events
(such as using our time wisely for things like migration and building new communities in more hospitable climates for living and maintaining sustainable resources for a changing environment).
I believe:
I believe:
we are told in no uncertain terms that it will be a time of great strife
with many natural changes taking place within our environment
causing disasters
leading to additional difficulties
which in turn will lead to different catastrophic events-
some passing quickly
such as volcanic eruptions, sudden drops or rises in the seafloor, earthquakes and tidal waves
and some occurring over an extended period of time
such as famine
because we did not heed the warning and migrate and begin to cultivate new soils in preparation for an approaching ice age
because we did not heed the warning and migrate and begin to cultivate new soils in preparation for an approaching ice age
(that some say has already begun)
increasing the difficulty of feeding the nations.
We will also face diseases from nuclear radiation and other contaminates
polluting our air, food, and water
which will ravage the population
We will also face diseases from nuclear radiation and other contaminates
polluting our air, food, and water
which will ravage the population
as the earth and population changes
so will our ability to deal with the magnitude of mounting complications.
The responsibility would then fall on each of us to make our own way
and many will be caught off guard by this potentially inconvenient fact.
I could be wrong
and would even like to think that I am
but I much rather be wrong than silent.
Things are cyclic-
that's just how it is
and it certainly appears we could be approaching that phase in the cycle
as evidenced by what we can know if we choose to
while I might believe some things will happen
during the course of a single day
while I might believe some things will happen
during the course of a single day
there is much more to it than that
there will always be survivors left to deal with the aftermath
there will always be survivors left to deal with the aftermath
of those survivors
of those survivors
there will be more casualties.
It's just how it works.
We are told a third will perish.
And a third of those who are left will perish after that.
That is no small number
but it also isn't everyone
and considering our number today
that will still leave a significant amount of people.
It is likely that it is not referring to an exact number
but rather an approximate one
but in doing the math using the provided information
we find that
in the end
roughly 44 of every 99 will survive.
That is less than half
which is why I stated most will die as the number will likely be greater than half of us
by the time it is all said and done.
To affect the population like that
would seem to indicate
that the events we will experience will be of no small consequence.
It is likely that it is not referring to an exact number
but rather an approximate one
but in doing the math using the provided information
we find that
in the end
roughly 44 of every 99 will survive.
That is less than half
which is why I stated most will die as the number will likely be greater than half of us
by the time it is all said and done.
To affect the population like that
would seem to indicate
that the events we will experience will be of no small consequence.
It also means it won't be the end of the world-
just the end of the world as we knew it.
We will be divided amongst ourselves by the conditions to which we will be subject
so that even if our number as a whole remains great
it will take time for us to acknowledge our number due to the prevailing circumstances-
perhaps even generations.
perhaps even generations.
One just has to insert reason and logic into the equation
to understand the magnitude of the impact these things will have
and what we can best do to prepare ourselves moving forward
-like paying attention to what is happening by knowing what to pay attention to.
In the end
it isn't my opinion here that matters.
It is the facts.
Examine the information for yourself so you can come to your own conclusions
but don't expect to come to the right ones without putting any effort into it.
I have looked into it
-from several disciplines-
over the course of several years
and see substantial evidence to support the fact that there are tough times ahead of us
-above and beyond the troubles we create for ourselves-
and indeed some of the fallout will be as a direct consequence of the actions we chose to take
(like having created nuclear energy, dams, and dikes)
those we chose not to.
The sun and water are important elements of our survival
but how much time will we be able to spend outdoors if we are being exposed to nuclear fallout and what will become of our water?
It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario.
Let us even consider for a moment that instead there will be a great war of man vs man
touching every continent.
Under such circumstances
how many people will be showing up for work?
Who will be brave enough to make sure the nuke plants keep running smoothly?
Who will be out planting in the fields or harvesting them?
Who will be protecting our water or keeping our sewer treatment plants operating?
In the end, it really doesn't matter what scenario happens, does it?
They both turn out about the same so preparation would be no less important
but why choose to believe that only man is capable of such destruction
when those who came before us and religiously recorded the activity in the heavens
experienced its wrath
shedding light on that which would have preceded it
-having recorded the events due to their significance-
passing forward
the warning signs of things to come for future generations
so that we might understand what is coming as we witness these same observations?
Considering all things are cyclic
and it is less likely we will accept that nature will be coming along to play its hand
-which, do you suppose, would catch us more off guard and leave us least prepared?
Let us even consider a second sun or an approaching planet for a moment.
Many believe that if something that big were coming we would see it first
maybe so
-maybe not-
but let us just say we would.
We are told stuff in space is moving along really fast
so just how much time do you expect to have to prepare yourself
once you can see something new in our sky
how long do you suppose it would be
once you could see it
before we would begin to experience the effects of its presence?
Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet
The truth is-
it doesn't have to hit us to affect us
or even be visible for that matter
-not even close-
and it could potentially be carrying many other objects with it
including moons and comets for example
which could have an influential impact as well.
Understanding our electric universe is important in better understanding these potential events and their effects.
If you haven't already-
subscribe to Suspicious0bservers and The Thunderbolts project
so you can begin to get a better understanding of what we've experienced in our past
where we stand now
what we can expect moving forward.
What We Can Count On
Our poles are shifting
We will soon experience an Ice Age
The sun is sleeping
Our magnetic shield is weakening
leaving our planet's pants down.
Just the sun alone will cause us enough problems.
Let us hope another star or planet doesn't become a part of the equation
though it is not beyond scientific reasoning to think
that this could be exactly what is behind many of the recent changes being observed
on our planet and in our solar system right now-
including the illumination and excitement at the poles of the planets.
The Sun Is Going To Sleep
As you do your own research
you will begin to understand
-how to put it all together
-just what it all means
-why it is so important.
To Learn More:
Watch the videos in the sidebar to the right
Become A Member or Subscribe To:
Website | UTC
The Thunderbolts Project
Website | UTC
If you live in the Pacific NW
See the Event Calendar to the right for information on
Cascadia Rising 2016
June 7-10
A multi-state/agency/private sector earthquake/Tsunami Emergency Response Exercise
The sun and water are important elements of our survival
but how much time will we be able to spend outdoors if we are being exposed to nuclear fallout and what will become of our water?
It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario.
Let us even consider for a moment that instead there will be a great war of man vs man
touching every continent.
Under such circumstances
how many people will be showing up for work?
Who will be brave enough to make sure the nuke plants keep running smoothly?
Who will be out planting in the fields or harvesting them?
Who will be protecting our water or keeping our sewer treatment plants operating?
In the end, it really doesn't matter what scenario happens, does it?
They both turn out about the same so preparation would be no less important
but why choose to believe that only man is capable of such destruction
when those who came before us and religiously recorded the activity in the heavens
experienced its wrath
shedding light on that which would have preceded it
-having recorded the events due to their significance-
passing forward
the warning signs of things to come for future generations
so that we might understand what is coming as we witness these same observations?
Considering all things are cyclic
and it is less likely we will accept that nature will be coming along to play its hand
-which, do you suppose, would catch us more off guard and leave us least prepared?
Let us even consider a second sun or an approaching planet for a moment.
Many believe that if something that big were coming we would see it first
maybe so
-maybe not-
but let us just say we would.
We are told stuff in space is moving along really fast
so just how much time do you expect to have to prepare yourself
once you can see something new in our sky
how long do you suppose it would be
once you could see it
before we would begin to experience the effects of its presence?
Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet
The truth is-
it doesn't have to hit us to affect us
or even be visible for that matter
-not even close-
and it could potentially be carrying many other objects with it
including moons and comets for example
which could have an influential impact as well.
Understanding our electric universe is important in better understanding these potential events and their effects.
If you haven't already-
subscribe to Suspicious0bservers and The Thunderbolts project
so you can begin to get a better understanding of what we've experienced in our past
where we stand now
what we can expect moving forward.
What We Can Count On
Our poles are shifting
We will soon experience an Ice Age
The sun is sleeping
Our magnetic shield is weakening
leaving our planet's pants down.
Just the sun alone will cause us enough problems.
Let us hope another star or planet doesn't become a part of the equation
though it is not beyond scientific reasoning to think
that this could be exactly what is behind many of the recent changes being observed
on our planet and in our solar system right now-
including the illumination and excitement at the poles of the planets.
The Sun Is Going To Sleep
As you do your own research
you will begin to understand
-how to put it all together
-just what it all means
-why it is so important.
To Learn More:
Watch the videos in the sidebar to the right
Become A Member or Subscribe To:
Website | UTC
The Thunderbolts Project
Website | UTC
If you live in the Pacific NW
They say the pacific coast can expect 'the big one' in the next 30 years.
If I had to venture a guess today because my life depended on it
-I'd probably drop the zero and maybe add a few months to another year~ tops.
-Emphasis on the 'if I had to', 'guess', 'today', and 'because my life depended on it'
(and -it just may).
In my post:
Does Your Vote Really Count?
whether you may have caught it or not
I eluded to a question posed in the following video.
While there is no way of really knowing what is behind the various measures being taken
-it is-
something to consider.
Time's Up!! Obama's Third Term FEMA 2016 Martial Law Disaster!
In closing-
Most would probably prefer not to think about it.
An implication
perhaps best considered.
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I agree many changes in our world are taking place at what appears to be an accelerated pace, I do not have data to support my perceptions. I have been watching reports re a twin sun for the past couple of years. 78% of star systems in the Universe are estimated to be binary, that is a majority, I consider the existence of Nibiru/Nemesis or whatever it is called to be a distinct possibility. I read Worlds In Collision this past year, a write that is loaded with plausible explanations for past events that resulted in great change on our planet. I think the key for all is preparation to lessen anxiety for those who have begun to consider the possibilities of an approaching second sun and accompanying bodies. I do not concern myself whether the effects are gravitational or electromagnetic based or both, I care very much that I have taken steps to provide for my needs and the needs of folks I interact with intimately regardless of actual events. As for Obama and martial law, my plan is to stay out of the way and live on to the best of my abilities. I found it interesting when Jeb Bush stated that Trump will never become our president. I am certain the Bush clan knows far more about what is going on than myself or the masses. All of the Bush's that have been in positions of power have leaked NWO rhetoric over the years, the martial law scenario fits nicely and can most certainly become our reality with little or no notice beyond what can be sorted out of the distractions that are serving the purposes of NWO sponsors. Actually I believe the majority of politicians and all world bankers are in collusion with the silent (to the masses) decision-makers. We have multiple concerns to face including economic, racial, fanatical religious, and natural and man made disasters. My solution is to prepare appropriately, surround myself with like-minded people, and develop strong character. I hope a discussion follows. Best.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I apologize for the late response and to thank you for taking the time to comment. I think you are spot on, Doug, and your priorities are well placed. As for gravity vs electric, I will just say our opinion of understanding its importance differs. It is fortunate that you are able to find like-minded people in your own area. I can't even find that within my own family. They either think I am nuts and/or simply prefer 'que sera sera' which I find to be a very dangerous path, all things considered.