Did You Know:
Most otherwise healthy children are born with a disability called parents.
Okay, so I jest... kinda.
Learning doesn't begin in school-
It begins at birth.
Many may begin to realize the potential of a child-
but not so of an infant.
Don't let their age fool you as this is the beginning of their life experiences from which they learn all things quite rapidly.
From the day they are born they begin to learn through their experiences with the world around them.
The only thing holding most children back from learning are those around them who do not understand that a child's potential is at it's peak between the ages of 0 and 6.
Children Learn What They Live.
It isn't rocket science
but you could teach it to them and that is what they would learn.
If you show them a passion for learning
they will find a love in it
for the love in it for them
came firstly from their love for you.
If you consistently put them on snow skis
they will learn to snow ski.
If you continuously speak multiple languages
then they too will soon speak them.
If they learn to entertain themselves in front of a television set
you will have no idea what is going into their impressionable mind.
No child is a prodigy, but rather, most children's intellect is stunted by adults around them who do not understand their potential during the most important years of their intellectual development.
Did you, or will you, recognize your child's full potential in time to make the most of them?
Nurture their interests and help them accentuate their talents at a young age
and they will excel with zeal.
Nurture their interests and help them accentuate their talents at a young age
and they will excel with zeal.
Ellen Meets a Baby Rock Climber
Adorable 3-Year-Old Periodic Table Expert Brielle
Harmony Is Here! (10 years old)
(10 yo) Child Guitar Prodigy! on Ellen Show
Incredible Karate Kid (10 year-old)
Inside The Mind Of Jaxon Cota An 11-Year-Old Kid Genius | NBC Nightly News
15 Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T.
Never underestimate the capable mind of a child.
These next few kids use their minds to take a stand against what is wrong.
14 year old girl pics fight with bully TV host - and WINS!
15 year old girl leaves anti-gun politicians speechless
The 15 Year-Old Environmental Activist
Suing The Government Over Climate Change
11 Year Old Child Bride Speaks About Evil Islam, Murdered After
While some claims were made that this incident was faked, or that Nada has since been killed,
there does not appear to be any real evidence supporting either that I was able to find. Her wiki page goes into some of the politics behind the move to discredit her and in an interview with her uncle subsequent to her video above he mentions both he and Nada were receiving threats and he expressed his concerns for her safety. At one point it was ordered that Nada, her parents, and the uncle were to all move in together into the home of another relative.
I was unable to find any reliable information on her current status.
More details about her story can be found here.
"Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man." ~Aristotle