Zika Virus and Guillain Barre Syndrome Update

While it has not been confirmed, researchers are looking into a possible connection between the Zika virus and Guillain-Barre Syndrome due to a notable increase in cases of GBS associated with the recent influx in incidences of the Zika virus in Brazil.

UPDATE: Researchers have been looking into the possible connection between the Zika virus and GBS since at least 2013.   Chikungunya outbreaks have also been under suspicion.  Dengue has had a questionable link since at least 2006.  

To date, the actual cause(s) of GBS remain speculative.

GBS is an incurable, sometimes fatal, autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system and strips away the myelin sheath covering which most often leads to an extended temporary paralysis of the body, including swallowing and speech, lasting about a year (in some cases, two).  One of the negative residual effects is that once someone is stricken with GBS they remain subject to potential relapse for the rest of their lives.  There is also a chance that some victims will experience some degree of permanent nerve damage.

As you may have read in a previous post, my son was stricken with the worst form of GBS over a year ago and nearly died while in a coma.  Happy to be alive, today he remains in good spirits despite his slow progress.  Most recently he has gained some movement in one of his thumbs, is eating real food regularly, and is able to talk with a speaking valve.

I decided to take some of the information I learned while putting the "Well: What Do You Know?" series together and have asked if they would be willing to try a few things to possibly speed up my son's recovery and they are actually looking into them, having already run the tests I asked for.  If they actually follow through, I'll let you know what we tried and keep you posted on the progress once they begin the protocol.

For information on the Zika Virus and a possible GBS connection
CDC: Zika Virus: Q and A
Zika Virus Raises New Worry About Paralysis
Zika Virus May Be Linked To Surge In Rare Syndrome In Brazil

Links associated with update:
Journal of the Neurological Sciences

For more information on GBS, you may find these previous posts helpful:
Guillain Barre Syndrome and Flu Vaccines
GBS: Suspect Causes
Vaccines and Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Variants of Guillain-Barre Syndrome

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: My son still remains in an acute care center and struggles to take a step but has not given up trying. He also has limited use of his hands but has learned how to make the best of it and we remain hopeful that his condition will continue to improve. NGU!! (Never Give Up)
