Well: What Do You Know? Part 7: Fluoride

Does the water you drink have fluoride in it?

How about the schools your children attend or your places of employment?

Even if your answer is no, most everyone is still exposed to it via many other methods such as the food chain and the water cycle that carries the particles up into the atmosphere where they collect and travel until they precipitate back to the ground.  That may not seem like any big deal on the surface, but a deeper look tells of the accumulative effects fluoride can have.

There are still many who don't even realize there is cause for concern, believing that dentists wouldn't recommend it, products wouldn't contain it, and municipalities would not add it, but a simple look on a tube of fluoride toothpaste will reveal a warning from poison control, and those most likely to eat toothpaste are also those who are already most at risk.

When one begins to consider the various sources and types of exposure they really are subjected to on a daily basis and how various combinations of these substances can alter their effects on living things, once more on their own, it becomes clear that things aren't always quite as straightforward as they seem.

Did you know:

  • Just one glass of fluoridated water meets the daily allowance of what is considered safe.
  • The amount of toothpaste shown on a toothbrush in commercials is equivalent to what is considered safe for use over an entire month- not a single brushing.

Fluoride Discussion with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Osmunson

The Toxic Truth About Fluoride and Its Health Dangers

Fluoride: Poison On Tap

For more information 
stop by their video library 

Suggestions: Consider checking the most recent test results from your municipal water supply and/or having your water tested, even if fluoride isn't added to your tap, and consider getting a whole house water filtration system.  Some are better suited for one thing than another so be sure to do your research to find which one is best suited for your needs, and buy (or make your own) fluoride-free oral care products.  Look into the many benefits of coconut oil and other natural solutions.

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