Maintaining our health through good nutrition is becoming more and more challenging.
The modifications being made to foods found in today's marketplace are also altering their nutritional composition making it increasingly difficult to replace what is lost due to, among other things, the poor food choices we continue to make, either by availability, cost, or ignorance, resulting in a daily compounded nutritional deficit.
In the case of our bodies, nutrients are like a form of currency that helps to keep our bodies balanced, strong and healthy. While pouring more money into government may never balance the budgets, increasing our uptake in nutrition may help balance our bodies. In both cases, the answer is likely in how far we (have) push(ed) them and in what measures we (are willing to) take to correct the problems going forward.
Sometimes it can be difficult juggling priorities.
Unfortunately, many do not take the time to recognize the value of responsible nutrition and fail to exercise preventative measures through good diet, instead waiting to take notice and do something once their health has begun to fail them.
Fortunately, in some cases, that may be remedied by replacing those lost daily values with heavy doses of vitamin therapy.
The videos below open the door to exploring vitamin nutrition and therapy, what they can do for you, how they work and why, concentrating only on a chosen few of the many vitamins and minerals our bodies need.
Hopefully what you learn will encourage you to keep on exploring the many roles vitamins and minerals play not just in keeping you healthy but also when they can be harmful, and to make taking better care of yourself your #1 priority so your body can better serve you so you can take care of everything else.
Vitamin C
These next 2 videos contain indispensable information on toxins and nutrition including:
Vitamin C, ions, and the body electric connection.
Calcium, copper, iron, mercury and unbalanced vitamin D toxicity.
Detox means Retox and the importance of seeing toxins through.
Detox means Retox and the importance of seeing toxins through.
He also gets to the root of the matter concerning dental work, oral disease,
so much more.
Vitamin C- Ascorbate- Liposomal Vitamin C and Antioxidant Therapy- Dr. Thomas E. Levy
Also by Dr. Thomas E. Levy:
Vitamin C: Antidote too all known toxins,- even SNAKEBITE!
It is important here, as with any therapy one might choose to go with, to understand both the benefits and dangers, even as it relates to vitamins.
Before you go jumping into any kind of therapies, be they conventional or natural, pharmaceuticals or vitamins and minerals, or any other type of medical therapy or health regimen, always review all sides of your available options and understand their pros and cons and, if possible, find a Dr. you can trust who will guide you with good advice towards what is best for you and not what is best for business- something you'll know a bit better about when you've done your own research and something you will learn you can't always trust your doctor has done. Find out what their objections are and if there is time because you aren't in an emergency situation, take a little time to look into them so that you can make an informed decision before moving forward.
With that said, the following video is of a family who refused to take no for an answer and stood their ground when the hospital wanted to pull the plug on their loved one who was being kept alive on life support, insisting that if he was going to die anyway, he wasn't going without at least trying heavy doses of vitamin C, even if they had to administer it themselves, which eventually was exactly what they did, saving him to return to a normal life.
60 Minutes: Living Proof (of a) Vitamin C Miracle Cure
Did You Know:
Most nutrients from food are lost once reaching the stomach.
The most valuable nutrient uptake actually occurs through absorption under the tongue so the longer you chew to break down the food in your mouth the more nutrients your body is able to take in.
Additional information you may find useful:
Peak Energy
Stealth Liposomes
Liposome Technology for Industrial Purposes
The more you know
Additional information you may find useful:
Peak Energy
Stealth Liposomes
Liposome Technology for Industrial Purposes
The more you know
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