Today's Feature Film


For a short time
the film VAXXED was featured here.
If you haven't seen it yet-
I highly recommend that you do.
I can no longer make it available here
but it is available free online at Before It's News. (Added 11.15.16)
After watching the movie
seeing my previous post:
Glyphosate Discovered In Several Vaccines: Should It Come As Any Surprise? 
you begin to notice how all these things seem to correlate
when glyphosate hit the market
what it does on a molecular level
which vaccines were found to have the highest concentrations of glyphosate
which vaccines are most suspected or associated with autism 
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) such as my son has
when the number of these cases  began to increase.
Just like Autism
was once considered rare.
Simply because glyphosate
was only recently exposed
as being in many vaccines
doesn't mean
it hasn't been in there all along.
That is to say
since the beginning of its use as an herbicide
which detrimentally continues to be on the rise.

Toxic Combo of Roundup and Fertilizers Blamed for Tens of Thousands of Deaths 
Other Hidden Health Hazards Associated with Phosphate Fertilizers
    Polonium-210 is a highly radioactive element that releases alpha particles as it decays. It's also chemically toxic. While alpha particles cannot penetrate deeply into your body, they can cause serious damage to cells they do come into contact with. While naturally present in small amounts in the environment, one of the primary sources of exposure is via calcium phosphate fertilizers, commonly used on tobacco fields and food crops.
    Researchers have gone so far as to suggest that it's the radiation from these fertilizers that are the primary cause of cancer in smokers. According to a report in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research, radioactivity in tobacco comes from two sources: the atmosphere and uptake through soil rich in calcium phosphate fertilizer contaminated with polonium phosphates.
    You can also consume polonium by drinking fluoridated water, courtesy of the fluorosilicic acid used. This chemical byproduct, created during the phosphate fertilizer manufacturing process, is what is typically used to fluoridate municipal water supplies. Uranium and radium are two known carcinogens found in fluorosilicic acid used for water fluoridation, and polonium-210 is one of two decay products of uranium. Furthermore, polonium decays into stable lead-206, which also has significant health risks—especially in children—and research has indeed shown that drinking fluoridated water increases lead absorption in your body. 

Glyphosate Herbicide Pathways To Modern Diseases
Synthetic Amino Acid And Analogue of Glycine
Mis-incorporation Into Diverse Proteins
by Anthony Samsel
Interstitial diseases of glands and organs are a direct
result of the destruction of connective tissue dependent
on Glycine.
Monsanto found destruction of the basement membranes of glands
and organs including Focal Tubular Dilatation of the Kidneys.
 Interstitial lung disease / COPD is another one of those diseases.
Animals in the Monsanto long-term studies had lung related issues
with decreased lung function due to destruction of the basement
Tumors were also found
Test animals were found to exhale radioactive C-14 from their lungs
This demonstrates that some Glyphosate was also being
metabolized and utilized in vivo. 
What else did Monsanto find ?
 Bioaccumulation of C-14 Radio-labelled Glyphosate
Oral Administration of
radio-labelled C-14
Glyphosate in SpragueDawley
• Group 4 =1000 mg
 single dose
• Group 5= 10 mg
 single dose
• Group 6 =10mg for 14
days before receiving 1 radiolabeled
10 mg dose
Data from MONSANTO
study by Ridley & Mirley, 1988
Bioaccumulation of the Glyphosate family amino acids and
metabolites were also found by DUPONT in 2007 during
studies in chickens and goats during evaluation of there gat
gene technology for genetically engineered corn and soy
Radio-labeled C-14 studies were conducted and proteolysis by trypsin and
protease were required to free some bioaccumulated and bound
glyphosate from proteins

Money Talks and Bullshit Walks
As you may have learned
we cannot even trust
that the products we buy
reflect the label
even when labeled as
organic and/or non-GMO.

It is past time to do something
about this
'growing problem.'
Get it?
Share it.
Stop it.

Obama Quietly Signs Executive Order To Advance Global Vaccination Agenda 
November 4, 2016
Executive Order
Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats

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