Painting An Oil Portrait- I

Earth Science and Education Series

This is another in a series examining alternate possibilities regarding various matters by comparing different theories you may not be familiar with against those that are more commonly known, allowing you an opportunity to examine them side by side so that you might better decide which seems the most plausible, possibly challenging your currently held ideas from time to time.

Cell Powers: Part 3- Electrohypersensitivity and Other Health Hazards

Cell towers, cell phones, smart meters, IOT, microwaves, induction cooking, wireless technology and wearables, and even medical procedures are all taking their toll on our bodies in numerous ways.

Calls To Cut Costs On Medical Care Could Save You Up To 1000%

That's right.  A recent investigation into the cost of care for the same procedure in the same state for the same person revealed that the price can vary as much as 1000%.

to view the following report:
Medical Costs (w/ video)

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Astroturf In The News

Cell Powers: Part 1- Your Wake Up Call

Today I'd like to call your attention to cell powers
some of the important ways they are affecting our lives.


If you are not already familiar with the information you'll find below and are buying your pet food from a grocery store, chances are pretty good you will be outraged and making some serious changes right away, not only in what or how you feed your pets, but also in sharing the information and helping to bring about desperately needed change, and if you are already familiar with this info, then thank you for sharing it with others and if you're not sharing it yet, please start.  A pet lover will probably thank you for it.