PILLARS OF CREATION: Hubble vs Spitzer

In 1995, Hubble captured images in space which became known as The Pillars of Creation.

In January 2007, a report was released stating the Spitzer had captured their destruction.

Now, in 2015, a new report states the Hubble has revisited The Pillars of Creation, capturing them in stunning new detail, looking as they did in 1995, with subtle differences, mostly seen in the angles of the starburst effects, though they say the subtle differences are found in the gasses.

If the universe is moving, how was the Hubble able to get back to the same position 20 years later and how was it able to capture them in their previous glory?

Scientists say that from earth we would still see them as the Hubble captured them for another 1000 years, if I understand correctly, but would that explain the whole thing away when the Hubble isn't bound to earth?

What are we to gather from this?

If anyone has the scientific explanation, I have open ears.

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